How to Choose the Best South Pasadena Real Estate Agent For You

How to Choose the Best South Pasadena Real Estate Agent For You

  • The Middleman Team
  • 04/22/22

If you’ve ever tried to sell or buy a home before, you know how difficult it can be to find the right real estate agent. In the competitive market that is sweeping the nation right now, finding a real estate agent at all, much less the one that will fight in your corner, seems an impossible task. You can ask friends, neighbors, and family but still, feel a bit lost with where to go from there. There are even more factors to consider in a market like South Pasadena real estate.

The greater Los Angeles area and Pasadena are some of the hottest markets in the country. The real estate in these areas is of an exceptionally high caliber that requires specialized expertise and an agent with a wealth of experience. With homes for sale in South Pasadena moving off the market in record timing, you’ll need someone with a deep understanding, time, and attention to give not only to you and your search but to a roster of other clients. On top of that, home searching can last a significant amount of time, often asking for months out of your life. Your real estate agent will be a partner in a substantial and hallmark experience for you.

Simply put, you want to like your agent and trust their expertise. Considering these factors together can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. So if you’re already planning to buy your own piece of South Pasadena real estate or getting close to the beginning of a home sale journey, here are some helpful tips for choosing the perfect real estate agent in Southern Pasadena.

Do your research

A real estate agent exists to provide clarity and education on the complex topic of buying and selling property. If these were simple processes, people would simply handle it themselves, but since so many different institutions are involved in the exchange of property, they require professional training. Banks, governments, and homeowners associations are all entities you’ll have to contend with within your search. Sometimes it can seem like these places are speaking a different language if you haven’t had a primer on the world of real estate.

Taking the time to do a little Googling before you start speaking with agents can undoubtedly help you make your final decision on one. For instance, are you going to be looking for a buyer’s or a seller’s agent? What type of home sale might yours be? What range of prices do you see homes for sale in South Pasadena listed in?
While an agent exists to help you with these things, going into your search well-informed will narrow the areas of expertise you are looking for and make sure that you’re finding the right fit and a great agent. 

Ask a lot of questions

When you do start meeting with agents, make sure you have a list of questions ready that are important to you. Practical ones are always important to include. Since your agent is likely busy, you should discuss how they work and communicate with their clients. Suppose an agent says they primarily communicate by email, but you know you’re not going to be able to field that type of communication on top of your work. In that case, it may be a deal-breaker, and you’ll need to find someone who communicates primarily by phone or who is willing to meet in person.

A significant factor some people forget to think of is how much of their search will be conducted through the agent’s assistant. Fielding your questions and scheduling through another person can add a lot of time to the back and forth between your agent, so you’ll want to make sure you can speak to them as frequently as you do their assistant. Compile your questions about their views on your home’s value, the details of your search, their experience, and any unique details you as a client might need to know. Your meetings will go much smoother when you show up with these already in hand.

Discuss your parameters 

While an agent’s expertise is invaluable, you will likely also have rigid parameters to your search or sale that you are not planning to budge from. Maybe you are not willing to renovate or update certain areas of your home for sale. Perhaps you have a strict timeline or schedule that needs to be met or financial circumstances that need to be included in your search or sale. Figuring out what needs you have to succeed in your South Pasadena real estate search is critical because there will be agents who cannot accommodate them. Being upfront about your yes’s and no’s will help you avoid wasting time getting into the process with an agent who simply isn’t the right fit for your needs. Giving your parameters to agents you meet with early on will also help them figure out how they can best serve you. If you meet with many agents who won’t meet your needs, you’ll know you have to go back to the drawing board.

Go with your gut

Selling or buying a home is an emotional experience on top of a practical one. You’ll most likely have your hopes and dreams resting on your choices, alongside a surplus of stressful chores on your plate to go along with the process. Knowing that the journey of homeownership can involve many triumphs and tribulations, you’ll want to feel good about the person you entrust to guide the way. Real estate is an incredibly interpersonal industry, so a real estate agent’s personality is equally important as their expertise. This tip is often left out of advice when choosing an agent, but it is vital in allowing the following months of your life to go smoothly. Go with your gut feelings when it comes to choosing an agent. Whether one agent feels like a great fit or you’re on shaky ground with them from the get-go, factor these thoughts into your decisions.
With homes for sale in South Pasadena moving quickly, a great agent can turn a potentially nightmarish search into a daydream. South Pasadena is a beautiful, inviting place to live, and local agents take great pride and joy in their work within the neighborhood. If you’re looking to meet with an experienced South Pasadena real estate agent, contact Meg Middleman today.

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